While all this snow melting is exciting here in Bedford, we are also thrilled to have had one of our three pregnant does kid last week. Fanny had a hard labor and we had to assist, but we have the most darling little doeling to show for it. She is doing very well and enjoys climbing all over whomever is trying to feed her, jumping around the barn, and playing chase with whomever will indulge her. We've named her Elsa. Here is a short video of her when she was about a day old and still learning how to stand up!
For all you milk and cheese lovers, Fanny has joined the milking herd which will increase the amount of milk we will have and therefore increase the amount of cheese! While there is still a bit of snow around, we're thinking Summer and we're currently finalizing our Summer markets. We appreciate all of your support as we continue to grow and we hope to continue to be your ultra-local source of goat dairy products. Keep your eyes and ears open--and check back here so you'll know where to find us this Summer!